The Soviet version of Sokolov’s book, Gibel’Tsarskoi Sem’i (Titled “The Last Days of Tsardom” in the West), was authorized in 1926.  Re-written by Pavel M. Bykov, the new Chairman of the Ural Soviet admitted that Alexandra Fedorovna, with her son, the Tsesarevich Alexei and four daughters, had been murdered along with Nicholai Alexandrovich Romanov.  Despite Sokolov’s description (Sokolov never found the remains), Bykov (p 99) added his own variation: “Much has been said about the missing corpses, despite the intensive search. …the remains of the corpses after being burned, were taken quite far away from the mines and buried in a swampy  place, in an area where the volunteers and investigators did not excavate. 

 There the corpses remained and by now have rotted.”  Bykov offered five clues:

  1. The remains which had survived the fires;
  2. The remains had been buried;
  3. Quite far away from the mines;
  4. In a swampy place;
  5. In an area where the volunteers and investigators did not excavate. 

In other words it was in an area no way near the Four Brothers site where Sokolov had originally searched.

Gravesite of the Imperial family found by Dr. Alexander Avdonin and his wife Galina Pavlovna; Gely Ryabov and his wife; and Michael Kachurov and his wife in 1977.  One of the moments of the official opening of the grave on the Koptiaki Road at the Pig's Meadow. In the back is Skeleton # 9, (A.Trupp). In front is skeleton # 4 (Nicholas II). Archive photo Obretenye Foundation.